Hurricane Information

City of Sanibel Updates Hurricane Prep Procedures

Including Hurricane Passes, alertLee Notification System & Seminar Options

The City of Sanibel continues to plan and prepare for Hurricane Season and urges you to do the same during the current pandemic. This year, every Sanibel citizen, property owner and business is urged to view our 2023 hurricane seminar.

The Sanibel Police Department reminds everyone Hurricane Preparation Season is an appropriate time to also confirm that you have registered for the alertLee notifications, the emergency notification system that replaced CodeRed in July 2019. The City of Sanibel and Lee County uses this tool to send targeted emergency alerts.

altertLee & Code Red Registration

If you were previously registered for Code Red, a new registration is required for the alertLee system. You can receive alerts on multiple devices in your home and/or on your cell phones. Click here to directly access the altertLee registration.

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